Since June 2016, Branding.coop has been providing full professional hands-on marketing and communications support to the Co-operative Councils’ Innovation Network – CCIN – acting as the central co-ordination point on communications and membership. To find out more about the Network download the Annual Review for 2015/6 and our plans for the Year Ahead 2016/7.
Projects have included:
- Promoting the CCIN via attendance at events, conferences and exhibitions to grow membership and as a way of endorsing Members’ projects and campaigns. Events include Co-operatives UK Annual Congress – June 2016; LGA (Local Government Association) Conference – July 2016; Co-operative Party AGM – September 2016, Co-operative Party Local Government Conference and the CCIN Annual General Meeting – November 2016.
- The re-launch and management of the CCIN website including a move to a .coop domain, to include relevant and timely ‘co-operative’ news, press releases and case studies all ‘tagged’ and aligned with the Co-operative Principles. Sharing these case studies on Stories.coop (the international co-op stories website).
- Launch a CCIN Facebook page and manage the CCIN presence on social media: Twitter and Facebook.
- Position Co-operative Councils’ Innovation Network members as experts in delivering Council services in innovative ways using co-operative values and principles as well as providing support to new and existing councillors leading on co-operation/co-operatives in their authority.